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Prečo sa voláme Los Fastidios?

Talianska street / oi punková skupina Los Fastidios, ktorá obohacuje hudbu viac ako 25 rokov. Ich spevák Enrico nám povedal viac, prečo sa rozhodli dať si meno Los Fastidios.


The Italian street / oi punk legendary band Los Fastidios which has been enriching music for more than 25 years. Their singer Enrico told us more about about their name.

We decided for the italian name I Fastidiosi (the bothers)… Seeing the dialect of our region sounds a little bit like the Spanish language (only for the sound) we decided to give a touch of Spanish to our name, so we decided to call the band Los Fastidios (it’s funny because we didn’t know the Spanish language but at the end it is a correct word and translation in Spanish).

Rozhodli sme sa pre talianske meno „I Fastidiosi“ (nepríjemnosti), pretože v dialekte nášho regiónu to znie trochu ako španielsky (len pre zvuk). Rozhodli sme sa dať do nášho mena španielčinu, takže sme zmenili názov na Los Fastidios. Je to smiešne, pretože sme nepoznali španielsky jazyk, ale nakoniec je to správne slovo a preklad v španielčine.

[youtube id=“sVxOUmW_Oh4″ width=“620″ height=“360″]

Palo Zavodský

Slovenská spojka . kontakt :


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