Nový singl hardcorařů Stick To Your Guns je věnován VŠEM obětem

S novým singlem nečekaně přišli kalifornští hardcoraři Stick To Your Guns. Nová písnička nese název Universal Language a patrně bude součástí chystaného EP, které má vyjít do konce roku u Pure Noise Records. Frontman kapely Jesse Barnett k písničce napsal rozsáhlé prohlášení.
„We weren’t going to release this song until a later date but we decided that this would be a perfect time with what’s happening right now in America that has everyone’s attention. (…) This song is for Alton Sterling. This song is for Philando Castile. This song is for the individuals who were killed in Dallas. This song is for the 215 people who lost their lives in Baghdad on July 3rd. This song is for the people of Oaxaca, Mexico. This song is for the world who only communicates with violence and to those who only open their mouth when things get bloody. There is a better way and I am confident we will get there some day.“
Stick To Your Guns vystoupí letos 13.8. na festivalu Brutal Assault v Jaroměři.
[youtube id=“XCDxvNZTPFs“ width=“620″ height=“360″]